Some of the questions and comments on this chart are specifically about sports coaching, but it's easy to jiggle them for any kind of learning that benefits from a growth approach! See a transcription of the questions and comments below the infographic which comes from @SportsPsychDunc.
Coaching a Growth Mindset
5 question to develop a growth mindset
What did you learn from today's performance?
What steps did you take to make you successful today?
What are some different strategies you could have used?
How did you keep going when things got tough?
What can you learn from your opponent today?
5 feedback comments to develop a growth mindset
This will be a challenging concept to learn, but I believe you can master it.
You haven't got it yet, but you will if you keep working and thinking about it.
I really appreciated your effort today.
It's okay to take risks; that's how we learn.
Getting better takes time, and I see you improving.
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Wednesday, 30 November 2016
How To Create A Morning Routine To Kickstart Your Day
Do you have a morning routine?
How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up in the morning, putting off the inevitable getting out of bed and starting the day to the last minute possible?
Having just a little too much time in bed before emerging and then having to rush.
Ignoring your grumbling tummy, contemplating if you can get away without showering, your hair sulking and hoping no one notices that you didn't iron your clothes.
Mornings - love 'em or hate 'em, every day has one, so if you're not a morning person, starting every day feeling tired, grouchy, grumpy, stressed and rushed will have a significant impact on your day.
So if you are more of an owl than a lark, keep reading because I'm going to share 13 ways to make your mornings a delight.
I've never been a morning person, far happier reading (or partying!) late into the night. So much so, one year for my birthday I got 3 - yes, 3! - alarm clock radios (remember them?!) as presents.
My morning routine used to be:
- Leave getting up until the last possible second
- Get ready for work bleary eyed
- Feel grumpy, grouchy and tense
- Feel stressed as I rush out of the door
- Spend the day feeling scruffy, and playing catch up
Not the best start to the day, but not unusual. So if that sounds all too familiar, let's look at some ways to change your morning routine, to increase your everyday self care and get more energy, positivity, calmness and focus for a more productive day.
The night before
Give your morning routine a helping hand by doing some preparation the night before,
1. Quality Sleep
Waking refreshed and replenished will make all the difference to not just the start of your day, but the whole day.
For a simple yet effective way to encourage sleep, take a look at Neville Medhoras 'Amish hour' - an hour before you want to settle down to sleep, turn off all electronic gadgets - TV, computer, tablet etc. Couldn't be simpler!
Or you could try the Relax Melodies app, where you select sounds and melodies to help you drift off. Choose from waves lapping, birds singing, rain, a cat purring etc etc. You can have more than one sound and different tones. It also includes a couple of guided meditations. There are more sounds and more meditations in the paid version, so if you like it it may be worth the small investment.
2. Lunch
If you prepare lunch to take to work, doing it the night before will not only take the pressure off in the morning, but also mean you are likely to have a better quality meal.
3. Clothes
I can't tell you how many times i've been frantically searching through the ironing basket trying to find something to wear 10 minutes before I've had to leave the house! It's an unpleasant way to start the day, so don't do it to yourself.
Get what you're wearing ironed and ready, it saves not just time, but that totally unnecessary stress when you least need it.
Morning routine
4. Wake up earlier
Okay, you may not relish the thought of getting up earlier but just 10 little minutes can make an enormous difference to your day, and if you adopt the Amish hour (as in No 1 above) you are more likely to wake feeling refreshed.
Waking earlier means you won't have to rush, reducing stress and introducing calm.
If you prefer to be woken gently rather than terrified awake by a shrill alarm, try Sleep Cycle alarm clock . This clever app somehow knows how to wake you when you are in your lightest sleep phase, so you wake feeling more relaxed. It's free, though as with most apps, you can upgrade to a paid version, the free one is just fine.
5. Drink water
Your body just went 8 hours without water, so it needs re hydrating. Take a good long drink of water, cool but not cold from the fridge as it's too shocking to the system. Add a slice of lemon if you have some.
6. Sounds
Be aware of what sounds you like in the morning, and try something new. If you always have the radio on, try silence, see how that feels and vice versa.
7. Move
I've avoided the 'E' word here, because exercise sounds too earnest!
Help your body to wake up by moving it, and it can be at any level you wish.
It could be gentle stretches, yoga, or a mindful walk. If you're feeling energetic, 10 minutes of cardio or a run, the choice is yours. You can mix it up, do something different on different days, depending on the weather, for example.
8. Shower
It's always nice to have an unhurried shower with time to condition your hair, shave your legs and just chill.
Try a warm/cold shower - a few minutes with warm water, a few minutes with cold is very stimulating, and can help if you're feeling sluggish.
And afterwards, some early morning pampering - your favourite body lotion, time to spend on your hair makes for a good hair day, and you know what a difference THAT makes!
9. Breakfast
Skipping breakfast might be tempting, but unless you've prepared for being hungry midmorning and have prepared something you can eat, the temptation is to grab something - anything. So keep control, and eat well.
Make breakfast a treat, and make it varied. Sweet, refreshing fruit, warm vanilla pastries, eggs and bacon... After all, variety IS the spice of life!
And filling your home with the smell of freshly made coffee is definitely one of lifes simple pleasures.
10. Journal
Journaling is fantastic at any time, but is a particularly great way to start the day. 'Morning pages' by Julia Cameron is a widely used method, and if you click the link there is a short (2 minute) video of Julia talking about what to do and why.
Journaling helps reduce stress, increases self awareness and self acceptance and is a powerful tool to use. Check out my guide below.
So grab a book and get scribbling!
Things to avoid
11. Television
The TV is a massive time suck in a morning, and when every second counts it's something you can do without.
12. Social media
As with TV, it's so easy to fall down the rabbit hole of social media and climb out again blinking and confused, wondering what happened to the time.
13. Work Emails
Looking at work emails in personal time makes work/life boundaries fuzzy. Keep those boundaries firm by only answering work emails in work time.
So there you go, 13 ways that will make for a morning of self care, creating a much better experience for you, leaving you feeling energized, focused, positive and ready for a productive day.
Author: Jane Travis
The Ultimate Guide To Goal Setting
(Photo from Shining Academy)
It's always surprising to me when I realize just how many people don't actually know what the heck they want. And as a result, they usually don't HAVE what they want! After all, how can you go after something specific if you don't know what that something specific is? So the first step to getting what you want is actually knowing exactly WHAT you want.
If you don't know what the heck you want, then having a little brainstorming session might help! During your session, ask yourself these questions ...
- What is important to me? - What am I passionate about? - What sounds exciting? - What's something new that I'd like to try? - What do I want people to remember about me? - What specifically would make me feel happier? - What do I enjoy doing so much that I forget to eat and poop? (Hehe.) - Where would I like to be 3 - 5 years down the road?
And if you don't know your life's "dream" right now, don't panic! That's perfectly okay. I've found that some times the only way to figure out exactly what you want is to simply let time pass while you try new things! It took me a good year and a half to figure out that I wanted to help other creative entrepreneurs grow their blogs and businesses, and the only way I was able to discover that little tidbit was by taking the time to try new things. For now, come up with at least 1 - 2 things based on your answers above that you'd like to achieve over the next year that you can make into a solid goal or two!
It's always surprising to me when I realize just how many people don't actually know what the heck they want. And as a result, they usually don't HAVE what they want! After all, how can you go after something specific if you don't know what that something specific is? So the first step to getting what you want is actually knowing exactly WHAT you want.
If you don't know what the heck you want, then having a little brainstorming session might help! During your session, ask yourself these questions ...- What is important to me? - What am I passionate about? - What sounds exciting? - What's something new that I'd like to try? - What do I want people to remember about me? - What specifically would make me feel happier? - What do I enjoy doing so much that I forget to eat and poop? (Hehe.) - Where would I like to be 3 - 5 years down the road?
And if you don't know your life's "dream" right now, don't panic! That's perfectly okay. I've found that some times the only way to figure out exactly what you want is to simply let time pass while you try new things! It took me a good year and a half to figure out that I wanted to help other creative entrepreneurs grow their blogs and businesses, and the only way I was able to discover that little tidbit was by taking the time to try new things. For now, come up with at least 1 - 2 things based on your answers above that you'd like to achieve over the next year that you can make into a solid goal or two!
Another way to come up with new goals is to examine the past year. Oh yes, take a good, hard look at it! Stare at it so hard that it makes this past year feel uncomfortable!!! Ehem. But seriously, think about the last several months. Is there anything related to your life, business or relationships that you'd like to change, maintain or improve? Ask yourself questions like ...
- What were the best, most awesome parts about this past year? - What sucked the most about this past year? - Where did you let fear stop you in your tracks this past year? - What would you have done differently this past year? - Were there any time sucks that totally drained your energy? - What were 3 of your favorite moments this past year and why? - When/how did you have the most fun this past year? - What was your biggest accomplishment this past year? - What was your most memorable moment this past year?
Once you've thoroughly examined the past year, think about any goals that you could create to make things better, more fun, more kick ass, more efficient and more AWESOME!!!
Another way to come up with new goals is to examine the past year. Oh yes, take a good, hard look at it! Stare at it so hard that it makes this past year feel uncomfortable!!! Ehem. But seriously, think about the last several months. Is there anything related to your life, business or relationships that you'd like to change, maintain or improve? Ask yourself questions like ...
- What were the best, most awesome parts about this past year? - What sucked the most about this past year? - Where did you let fear stop you in your tracks this past year? - What would you have done differently this past year? - Were there any time sucks that totally drained your energy? - What were 3 of your favorite moments this past year and why? - When/how did you have the most fun this past year? - What was your biggest accomplishment this past year? - What was your most memorable moment this past year?
Once you've thoroughly examined the past year, think about any goals that you could create to make things better, more fun, more kick ass, more efficient and more AWESOME!!!
- What were the best, most awesome parts about this past year? - What sucked the most about this past year? - Where did you let fear stop you in your tracks this past year? - What would you have done differently this past year? - Were there any time sucks that totally drained your energy? - What were 3 of your favorite moments this past year and why? - When/how did you have the most fun this past year? - What was your biggest accomplishment this past year? - What was your most memorable moment this past year?
Once you've thoroughly examined the past year, think about any goals that you could create to make things better, more fun, more kick ass, more efficient and more AWESOME!!!
Not only do I love setting goals in general, but I adore setting goals in different areas of my life! I mean ... if I only set business-related goals and totally neglected setting any health-related goals, then the chances of me neglecting that area and/or not making much improvement are pretty dang high! Balance is a good thing, and that's why it's super important to think about different life "categories" that you can set specific goals in! Examples of life "categories" can include things like business, finances, physical health, mental health, relationships, pets (don't laugh that's totally a category!) etc.
Not only do I love setting goals in general, but I adore setting goals in different areas of my life! I mean ... if I only set business-related goals and totally neglected setting any health-related goals, then the chances of me neglecting that area and/or not making much improvement are pretty dang high! Balance is a good thing, and that's why it's super important to think about different life "categories" that you can set specific goals in! Examples of life "categories" can include things like business, finances, physical health, mental health, relationships, pets (don't laugh that's totally a category!) etc.
I'll bet you've set a New Years resolution for yourself before and have broken it within hours, weeks or months.
Perhaps you've done this dozens of times. Or HUNDREDS of times!!! (Actually, you probably haven't done it "hundreds" of times because that would mean you've lived hundreds of years and therefore you'd probably be dead at this point. Right?) But my point is, it's easy to set goals. It's the moving towards them continuously even on days where you feel totally unmotivated that's the difficult part! Which is why you should write down WHY you want to achieve each goal along with all of the awesome benefits that achieving each one will provide. You'll want to be able to read this later for motivation, trust me! (And if a specific goal doesn't have good benefits and/or isn't inline with your passion and purpose, then you probably shouldn't waste your effort on it any way!)
I'll bet you've set a New Years resolution for yourself before and have broken it within hours, weeks or months.
Perhaps you've done this dozens of times. Or HUNDREDS of times!!! (Actually, you probably haven't done it "hundreds" of times because that would mean you've lived hundreds of years and therefore you'd probably be dead at this point. Right?) But my point is, it's easy to set goals. It's the moving towards them continuously even on days where you feel totally unmotivated that's the difficult part! Which is why you should write down WHY you want to achieve each goal along with all of the awesome benefits that achieving each one will provide. You'll want to be able to read this later for motivation, trust me! (And if a specific goal doesn't have good benefits and/or isn't inline with your passion and purpose, then you probably shouldn't waste your effort on it any way!)
Perhaps you've done this dozens of times. Or HUNDREDS of times!!! (Actually, you probably haven't done it "hundreds" of times because that would mean you've lived hundreds of years and therefore you'd probably be dead at this point. Right?) But my point is, it's easy to set goals. It's the moving towards them continuously even on days where you feel totally unmotivated that's the difficult part! Which is why you should write down WHY you want to achieve each goal along with all of the awesome benefits that achieving each one will provide. You'll want to be able to read this later for motivation, trust me! (And if a specific goal doesn't have good benefits and/or isn't inline with your passion and purpose, then you probably shouldn't waste your effort on it any way!)
Once you've come up with goals for different areas of your life and have also thought about WHY you want to achieve each particular goal, it's time to WRITE THEM DOWN. No, not on a sheet of paper that you're going to lose and never see again! (I'm strict about this one, sorry! Hehehe.) Write your SPECIFIC goals down on a pretty sheet that you can post by your workspace and/or inside of your planner. (P.S. feel free to check out my Blog + Life Planner if you're still in need of a colorful, quirky planner to do all of your scheming and dreaming in!) Not to sound like a broken record here, but be really specific. Mmmkay? And if you can include dates on your goals, even better! For example, "Increase my blog traffic by 100% by October 31st" is really specific as opposed to "Get more blog traffic." Seeing and saying your specific goals on a regular basis can be a super powerful way to actually getting shiz done. (Plus you won't do something silly like accidentally forgetting about them. DOH!)
Once you've come up with goals for different areas of your life and have also thought about WHY you want to achieve each particular goal, it's time to WRITE THEM DOWN. No, not on a sheet of paper that you're going to lose and never see again! (I'm strict about this one, sorry! Hehehe.) Write your SPECIFIC goals down on a pretty sheet that you can post by your workspace and/or inside of your planner. (P.S. feel free to check out my Blog + Life Planner if you're still in need of a colorful, quirky planner to do all of your scheming and dreaming in!) Not to sound like a broken record here, but be really specific. Mmmkay? And if you can include dates on your goals, even better! For example, "Increase my blog traffic by 100% by October 31st" is really specific as opposed to "Get more blog traffic." Seeing and saying your specific goals on a regular basis can be a super powerful way to actually getting shiz done. (Plus you won't do something silly like accidentally forgetting about them. DOH!)
Now THIS is the fun part! This is where you take a big and exciting (and sometimes totally scary) goal and make it completely doable! Scary, seemingly unattainable goals seem way less so when broken down into small, NOT scary steps. And if one particular step overwhelms you, just break that step down into 3 or 5 smaller steps! So for each goal that you'd like to achieve, write down ALL of the small steps that you need to take from start to finish in order to accomplish it. So for example, if one of your goals is to start a blog, your actionable steps might look something like this ...
1. Define my blog's purpose. 2. Identify my ideal reader. 3. Create a brand style guide. 4. Choose a blog name. 5. Purchase the domain. 6. Purchase a website/host.
Get the picture? (By the way, I totally wrote an entire blog post on how to start a blog in a day if that actually IS one of your goals!)
Now THIS is the fun part! This is where you take a big and exciting (and sometimes totally scary) goal and make it completely doable! Scary, seemingly unattainable goals seem way less so when broken down into small, NOT scary steps. And if one particular step overwhelms you, just break that step down into 3 or 5 smaller steps! So for each goal that you'd like to achieve, write down ALL of the small steps that you need to take from start to finish in order to accomplish it. So for example, if one of your goals is to start a blog, your actionable steps might look something like this ...
1. Define my blog's purpose. 2. Identify my ideal reader. 3. Create a brand style guide. 4. Choose a blog name. 5. Purchase the domain. 6. Purchase a website/host.
Get the picture? (By the way, I totally wrote an entire blog post on how to start a blog in a day if that actually IS one of your goals!)
1. Define my blog's purpose. 2. Identify my ideal reader. 3. Create a brand style guide. 4. Choose a blog name. 5. Purchase the domain. 6. Purchase a website/host.
Get the picture? (By the way, I totally wrote an entire blog post on how to start a blog in a day if that actually IS one of your goals!)
As Marie Forleo says, "if it's not scheduled then it's not real." I heart this quote SO MUCH. Because it's SO TRUE. Scheduling all of the actionable steps for each goal will remove that feeling of overwhelm and insure that you get things done! It's like creating a fun little roadmap to your dream destination. So whether you use a tangible planner or a digital one, take the time to actually schedule in all of the various steps for each of your goals. And if you miss a step along the way, NO BIGGIE. Simply reschedule that step. Hell, reschedule it five times if you have to!
As Marie Forleo says, "if it's not scheduled then it's not real." I heart this quote SO MUCH. Because it's SO TRUE. Scheduling all of the actionable steps for each goal will remove that feeling of overwhelm and insure that you get things done! It's like creating a fun little roadmap to your dream destination. So whether you use a tangible planner or a digital one, take the time to actually schedule in all of the various steps for each of your goals. And if you miss a step along the way, NO BIGGIE. Simply reschedule that step. Hell, reschedule it five times if you have to!
I don't know about you, but nothing makes me feel more motivated than looking back at and keeping track of all the progress that I've made! If your goal is to lose 10 pounds by a certain date, then celebrate the hell out of each pound that you lose and keep track of when you accomplish every single step! If your goal is to grow your blog traffic by 25% each month, then write down how much you're actually growing it each month! Give yourself a pat on the back. Keep track of and acknowledge all of your progress and accomplishments!
I don't know about you, but nothing makes me feel more motivated than looking back at and keeping track of all the progress that I've made! If your goal is to lose 10 pounds by a certain date, then celebrate the hell out of each pound that you lose and keep track of when you accomplish every single step! If your goal is to grow your blog traffic by 25% each month, then write down how much you're actually growing it each month! Give yourself a pat on the back. Keep track of and acknowledge all of your progress and accomplishments!
Do you have one or two really big goals on your list? (You totally should because big goals are challenging and fun!) If so, try to dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to moving closer to it. Yes, this might not always happen, but if you can't dedicate 30 minutes a day then dedicate just FIVE minutes a day when time is extra tight. Every single day ask yourself, "what can I do today to move closer to my goal?"
Do you have one or two really big goals on your list? (You totally should because big goals are challenging and fun!) If so, try to dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to moving closer to it. Yes, this might not always happen, but if you can't dedicate 30 minutes a day then dedicate just FIVE minutes a day when time is extra tight. Every single day ask yourself, "what can I do today to move closer to my goal?"
What better way to stay motivated and feel accomplished than with some good 'ol fashioned rewards for hitting particular milestones? If you've got one really big, juicy goal that you're trying to achieve you could create a few "milestones" leading up to that goal and treat yourself when you hit them! There are lots of ways to treat yourself, either with or without spending money. A few ideas ...
- Take a day to yourself (or at least a half day) doing something that you love! - Take yourself out on a date to your favorite restaurant, or bring a friend/significant other! - Buy a big fancy pants espresso drink! - Sign up for a class you've always wanted to try! - Treat yourself to something you've been wanting, like a new book or outfit! - Spend the afternoon exploring a place you've never explored before! - Take a long, hot bubble bath!
You get the idea ... get creative with your rewards! Better yet, schedule those rewards inside of your planner so that you remember to treat yourself for hitting those milestones!
What better way to stay motivated and feel accomplished than with some good 'ol fashioned rewards for hitting particular milestones? If you've got one really big, juicy goal that you're trying to achieve you could create a few "milestones" leading up to that goal and treat yourself when you hit them! There are lots of ways to treat yourself, either with or without spending money. A few ideas ...
- Take a day to yourself (or at least a half day) doing something that you love! - Take yourself out on a date to your favorite restaurant, or bring a friend/significant other! - Buy a big fancy pants espresso drink! - Sign up for a class you've always wanted to try! - Treat yourself to something you've been wanting, like a new book or outfit! - Spend the afternoon exploring a place you've never explored before! - Take a long, hot bubble bath!
You get the idea ... get creative with your rewards! Better yet, schedule those rewards inside of your planner so that you remember to treat yourself for hitting those milestones!
- Take a day to yourself (or at least a half day) doing something that you love! - Take yourself out on a date to your favorite restaurant, or bring a friend/significant other! - Buy a big fancy pants espresso drink! - Sign up for a class you've always wanted to try! - Treat yourself to something you've been wanting, like a new book or outfit! - Spend the afternoon exploring a place you've never explored before! - Take a long, hot bubble bath!
You get the idea ... get creative with your rewards! Better yet, schedule those rewards inside of your planner so that you remember to treat yourself for hitting those milestones!
Remember how in step 5 you wrote down your specific goals in a place where you can easily see them? (Such as on a pretty piece of paper hung by your workspace and/or inside your planner?) This might sound cheesy but it's important: read those goals and say them to yourself every single damn day. Saying them to yourself reaffirms your goals, keeps you focused and actually keeps your goals on your mind!
Remember how in step 5 you wrote down your specific goals in a place where you can easily see them? (Such as on a pretty piece of paper hung by your workspace and/or inside your planner?) This might sound cheesy but it's important: read those goals and say them to yourself every single damn day. Saying them to yourself reaffirms your goals, keeps you focused and actually keeps your goals on your mind!
Some times priorities and wants change, and that's totally normal! So as the year goes by, you might need to modify or change some of your goals. Which is why it's a fabulous idea to really think about and review them every 3 months! Did you complete one of your goals early? You can remove the other needed steps from your schedule! (And create a new goal, perhaps?) Are you running behind on a particular goal? You might need to reschedule a few steps. Is one of your goals just not resonating with you at all anymore? It might be time to scrap it! No shame in that. (Also there's a difference between something that's no longer resonating with you and something that you just feel like giving up on because it's hard. Don't you dare scrap your goal if it's the latter!)
Some times priorities and wants change, and that's totally normal! So as the year goes by, you might need to modify or change some of your goals. Which is why it's a fabulous idea to really think about and review them every 3 months! Did you complete one of your goals early? You can remove the other needed steps from your schedule! (And create a new goal, perhaps?) Are you running behind on a particular goal? You might need to reschedule a few steps. Is one of your goals just not resonating with you at all anymore? It might be time to scrap it! No shame in that. (Also there's a difference between something that's no longer resonating with you and something that you just feel like giving up on because it's hard. Don't you dare scrap your goal if it's the latter!)
This is perhaps one of the toughest things to do, but is essential for reaching your goals! Setting goals can be super fun and exciting, but when things get tough (or busy!) it's easy to fall off the bandwagon. Fast. (By the way, what the heck is a bandwagon? I'm picturing an old-fashioned covered wagon with a little 5 piece band playing inside it!) So for tips on how to stay consistent and work towards your goals, watch this great little video by the fabulous (and hilarious) Marie Forleo!
This is perhaps one of the toughest things to do, but is essential for reaching your goals! Setting goals can be super fun and exciting, but when things get tough (or busy!) it's easy to fall off the bandwagon. Fast. (By the way, what the heck is a bandwagon? I'm picturing an old-fashioned covered wagon with a little 5 piece band playing inside it!) So for tips on how to stay consistent and work towards your goals, watch this great little video by the fabulous (and hilarious) Marie Forleo!
The moment you share your goals with others you become accountable! Plus, putting them out there just makes them feel more real, ya know? So go on ... share them with a friend or two. Share them on Facebook. Share them on your blog. SHARE THEM WITH YOUR CAT!!!
Speaking of sharing, have any of you set any goals for the new year yet? I'd love to hear one or two! (And if I can help you in any way, even better!) One of my goals for 2016 is to release my first ever FREE online branding workshop and online course soon! WOO HOO!
There, I said it.
The moment you share your goals with others you become accountable! Plus, putting them out there just makes them feel more real, ya know? So go on ... share them with a friend or two. Share them on Facebook. Share them on your blog. SHARE THEM WITH YOUR CAT!!!
Speaking of sharing, have any of you set any goals for the new year yet? I'd love to hear one or two! (And if I can help you in any way, even better!) One of my goals for 2016 is to release my first ever FREE online branding workshop and online course soon! WOO HOO!
There, I said it.
Speaking of sharing, have any of you set any goals for the new year yet? I'd love to hear one or two! (And if I can help you in any way, even better!) One of my goals for 2016 is to release my first ever FREE online branding workshop and online course soon! WOO HOO!
There, I said it.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Daily Affirmations
We've all heard of daily affirmations. We're supposed to either say these positive quips to ourselves daily or read them daily.
After so many days of doing this, our mindset is supposed to change and we are supposed to believe what these affirmations tell us. How many times have you heard talk of the affirmations and thought to yourself, "that will never work" or "that's pretty cheesy"?
I'm here today to tell you that they will work. When you first start saying daily affirmations, it's sort of a fake it 'till you make it mindset for a lot of people. As you keep going, however, the Law of Attraction takes over and your world begins to change.
My theory is that this change is two-fold. First, you are asking to be blessed in the ways you're affirming and that opens your heart to accept those blessings. Second, you're starting to see the ways the you are blessed rather than seeing the ways you're not blessed. It's a magical thing that can happen.
Today I invite you all to start your daily affirmations and tell me how it's going! In my Mindset workbook, I talk about building a habit. So do this with me. Pick some affirmations below and say them everyday for 21 days. Let's see how your world changes!
Karen Becker is an author, speaker and personal growth coach. She has a Master's Degree in Counseling and applies these skills when coaching clients.
After so many days of doing this, our mindset is supposed to change and we are supposed to believe what these affirmations tell us. How many times have you heard talk of the affirmations and thought to yourself, "that will never work" or "that's pretty cheesy"?
I'm here today to tell you that they will work. When you first start saying daily affirmations, it's sort of a fake it 'till you make it mindset for a lot of people. As you keep going, however, the Law of Attraction takes over and your world begins to change.
My theory is that this change is two-fold. First, you are asking to be blessed in the ways you're affirming and that opens your heart to accept those blessings. Second, you're starting to see the ways the you are blessed rather than seeing the ways you're not blessed. It's a magical thing that can happen.
Today I invite you all to start your daily affirmations and tell me how it's going! In my Mindset workbook, I talk about building a habit. So do this with me. Pick some affirmations below and say them everyday for 21 days. Let's see how your world changes!
Karen Becker is an author, speaker and personal growth coach. She has a Master's Degree in Counseling and applies these skills when coaching clients.
Success Does Not Come by Accident - Law Of Attraction
Success does not come by accident it is a skill that can be learned. To master this skill is to master attaining all that we want in life. This is true when it comes to financial success, great health, relationship and more.
The law of attraction has gained in popularity of the past few years and much of this can be attributed to the susses of the film - the secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Millions of people have transformed their lives by applying this law enjoying success that they could never have imagined with this awareness emerging to the forefront of media as the key to help people to fulfil their innermost goals and ambitions.
the law of attraction essentially decrees that 'like attracts like'. More specifically, this means that your mindset, thoughts and feelings establish your reality and influence the events that you experience in your life. In this most basic way thinking positive thought will attract positive energy that is in alignment with those thoughts.
Equally a negative mindset will attract is equal energy. In this way, an individual dictating their reality through their internal thoughts. The key to success is learning how to use this law of attraction to create your own personal success.
There are three phases that you must go though to in order to successfully control the circumstances of your life.
You must know what it is that you want to achieve as opposed to what you don't. All successful people know what they want to achieve.
You must have faith that the universe will answer and deliver your desires. A lack of faith or doubt anything from happening because ultimately you are focusing on what you don't want rather that what you do. It is important to act and believe as if it has already happened. You must be able to feel the success of your desired outcome before it has arrived as the feeling you have towards it is just as important as your thoughts.
The last thing is that you must be open to receiving. The universe gives to people who are a good receiver. This means that you must keep a positive mindset, feel that you deserve to receive and persevere to see the success in each area that you want to manifest in your life.
You have a choice, you can think in positive or negative terms. By being in positive state and ready to receive, you will automatically behave and act to change your environment to correspond to your desires. Never ever give up trying to incorporate the law of attraction into your life to your advantage, and your circumstances will respond to you with your persistence.
The law of attraction has gained in popularity of the past few years and much of this can be attributed to the susses of the film - the secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Millions of people have transformed their lives by applying this law enjoying success that they could never have imagined with this awareness emerging to the forefront of media as the key to help people to fulfil their innermost goals and ambitions.
the law of attraction essentially decrees that 'like attracts like'. More specifically, this means that your mindset, thoughts and feelings establish your reality and influence the events that you experience in your life. In this most basic way thinking positive thought will attract positive energy that is in alignment with those thoughts.
Equally a negative mindset will attract is equal energy. In this way, an individual dictating their reality through their internal thoughts. The key to success is learning how to use this law of attraction to create your own personal success.
There are three phases that you must go though to in order to successfully control the circumstances of your life.
You must know what it is that you want to achieve as opposed to what you don't. All successful people know what they want to achieve.
You must have faith that the universe will answer and deliver your desires. A lack of faith or doubt anything from happening because ultimately you are focusing on what you don't want rather that what you do. It is important to act and believe as if it has already happened. You must be able to feel the success of your desired outcome before it has arrived as the feeling you have towards it is just as important as your thoughts.
The last thing is that you must be open to receiving. The universe gives to people who are a good receiver. This means that you must keep a positive mindset, feel that you deserve to receive and persevere to see the success in each area that you want to manifest in your life.
You have a choice, you can think in positive or negative terms. By being in positive state and ready to receive, you will automatically behave and act to change your environment to correspond to your desires. Never ever give up trying to incorporate the law of attraction into your life to your advantage, and your circumstances will respond to you with your persistence.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Self Confidence Affirmations From Think And Grow Rich
Today I'm going to be drawing inspiration from the book 'Think And Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. This book has been around forever, it's quite a famous book and has been described as "the essential guide to joining the worlds most successful people.
Virtually every page of this book has some pearl of wisdom and today I'm going to be talking about the self confidence formula.
In the book it states that taking an inventory of mental assets and liabilities you will discover that your greatest weakness is a lack of self confidence. It goes on to say that this handy cap can be surmounted through the aid of auto suggestions through the principle of taking positive thought impulses and writing them down.
These affirmations need to be repeated over and over until they become a working part of your conscious mind.
So here is the five point self confidence formula that Napoleon Hill is recommending in the book.
1: I know that I have the ability to achieve the purpose of my definite chief aim in life. Therefore I demand of myself persistent, continuos action towards it's attainment and I promise to take such action.
2: I realise that the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality. Therefore I will concentrate my thoughts for 30 mins daily upon thinking about the task of creating the person I intent to become, creating a clara mental picture of that person.
3: I know through the principles of auto suggestion that any desire that I consistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression
though some practical means of attaining the object. Therefore I will devote 10 minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of self confidence.
4:I have clearly written down a description of my definite chief aim in life. I will never stop trying until I have developed sufficient self confidence for it's attainment.
5: I fully realise that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth and justice. Therefore I will engage in no transaction that does not benefit all of whom it affects.
So that's the 5 affirmations to help improve self confidence as written by Napoleon Hill in think and grow rich.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Do you have a minute?
I've only just a minute,
Just sixty seconds in it,
It was forced upon me,
I can't refuse it,
I didn't seek it and I didn't choose it,
But it's up to me to use it,
I must suffer if I loose it,
Give account if I abuse it,
It's only a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it,
I don't know who wrote this poem but I like it and thought I would share it. I heard it from Bob Proctor.
Just sixty seconds in it,
It was forced upon me,
I can't refuse it,
I didn't seek it and I didn't choose it,
But it's up to me to use it,
I must suffer if I loose it,
Give account if I abuse it,
It's only a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it,
I don't know who wrote this poem but I like it and thought I would share it. I heard it from Bob Proctor.
Visualization Tools
Cultivating effective visualization skills is one of the best laws to make the Law of Attraction a more powerful tool in your daily life. Broadly speaking, the process of visualization involves creating images (both mentally and physically) that convey a strong, positive message. However, there are many different ways to approaches visualization. Here are some of the most inspiring methods and techniques to add to your toolkit and generate a momentum of abundance.
Dream Boards
A dream board is a way of visually representing your aims—whether they’re financial, romantic, spiritual, or something else entirely. An inexpensive and maximally creative way of connecting with your hopes for the future, these boards can be made using everything from natural objects to drawings and magazine cutouts. Our free Law of Attraction tool kit will teach you more about how to create the ideal dream board that helps you meet your objectives and explain how you can use that board to transform your life.
Visual Affirmations
An affirmation is a simple statement that reshapes your beliefs and helps you move towards your life goals. You can tailor affirmations to reflect anything you want, but common and widely applicable ideas include affirmations like “I will be positive, happy and magnetic today” and “I am confident, capable and I can get everything I want.” While there is much to be said for contemplating affirmations, it’s important to take the further practical step of making these affirmations concrete. For example:
- Put your affirmations on signs and put them where they can be seen. It may be a particularly good idea to stick them in areas connected with your goals (such as on the mirror if you’re trying to reshape your self-image, or on the front door if you’re working towards career advancement).
- Set up smartphone reminders so that your affirmations regularly appear to you throughout the idea. You might try setting one to appear along with your morning alarm, or time the affirmations to that they are on your screen during your commute, lunch break or just before bed.
- Repeatedly write out your affirmations at the beginning or end of the day. Writing them down 5-10 times has a similar influence on your subconscious to speaking affirmations aloud. Make sure to write them slowly and carefully, preferably using a pen that feels comfortable and good in your hand.
Positive Lists
Law of Attraction experts often note that underlying negativity and uncontrollable chatter in the mind is one of the major things holding people back from accomplishing their goals. Often, this negativity will be self-directed, so using a visualization tool linked to personal value can be extremely useful reshaping your self-esteem. One method requires simply writing a list of the ten things you like most about yourself, and sticking that up on your wall to look at when you get ready for your day. Reflecting on the reasons to feel good about who you are enhances your belief that you can (and deserve to) reach your goals. You can create your reality with intentional thoughts to promote more positivity in your life.
Cultivating positivity that is directed the world around you will also make you a more vibrant and successful person, so you might want to consider dedicating a notebook exclusively to your feelings of gratitude. Each day, write down 3-5 things that make you feel happy to be alive, or that you appreciate. This process helps you to see your life in a better light, and works to override negative assumptions in your belief system.
Diary Entries
Another visualization tool that can help you believe in your capacity for change and success involves writing short stories or diary entries that describe how your life will be when you achieve your goals. You can treat this exercise just like you would a creative visualization meditation, documenting every little detail that makes your imagined future seem acutely real.
You can also use your diary or dream journal to “reframe” your daily experiences, taking as many useful lessons and positive messages from them as possible. By concentrating on creating a happy present experience, you also teach yourself to expect the most from your future.
Dream Checks
Although you might immediately connect dream checks with finances, the truth is that you can apply them to any goal. The idea is to have a self-written check that is made out to you and clearly states what you want to achieve (whether that is to possess a set amount of money, to land that new job, find the ideal partner or merely a happier state of mind). As with the other items mentioned above, place the check in a prominent location and look at it as often as possible.
Even those who don’t think of themselves as skilled artists, can find it surprisingly impactful to create art that visually represents dreams. Let your imagination tell you how to combine colors and shapes that remind you of the life you want to live, and place your painting in a place that encourages frequent reflection.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Secret of Success
Countless books have been written on how to achieve success, many claiming to reveal the secret or magic pill that will effortlessly give you the Midas touch. From goal setting to positive thinking to the latest marketing techniques, there is no shortage of material.
So, what is the magical secret of success? There are three key pieces to having success in any area. Whether you want financial success, successful relationships or to master a skill: Clear Vision, Thought and Action.
Clear Vision
Having a clear vision is one of the primary factors that separates successful people from unsuccessful people. After all, how can you seek success without knowing what success is? Some people have a natural talent for creating a clear vision of what they want, but it is a skill that can be learned.
Begin by defining what success means to you. If you are seeking financial success, is a lump sum of cash in the bank or a high net worth success to you? Or do you define financial success by cash flow?
Once you have defined your goal, you must create and hold the feeling of your vision. Using visualization to create a clear picture and putting yourself clearly in this picture is an easy way to find the feeling of success. Use as much detail as possible and incorporate all five senses. Describe your environment when you have achieved success. What do you see? Smell? What sounds do you hear? Can you taste the air? How does the air feel on your skin? How do your clothes feel? What are you thinking about? What emotions are you experiencing?
The more detail you use when you create your clear vision of success, the easier and faster it will manifest into your reality.
Monitoring your thoughts as you go through your day, is another secret to success. The power of thought is nothing new and has been discussed in classic books such as Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.
If you are not yet experiencing success or are going through a difficult period in your life, there will be plenty of evidence that success might be out of reach for you. It is easy to give in to negative thoughts, especially if people in your life are not 100% supportive of your goals. When you give in to these thoughts and feeling, you cancel out your manifestation of success that you started when you created your vision.
This is when thought and belief becomes critically important. Whether you are seeking success financially, spiritually or in relationships, hold the feeling and belief that you created when made your clear vision of success. Feeling and thinking like a successful person will bring success to you.
Once your mind is in the right place, it is time to implement the final key to success: Action.
You won’t become a star player if you take a shot and you won’t achieve wealth if you don’t provide value into the world. Don’t wait for the entire path you need to take to become illuminated. Just take the next clear step, whether that is signing up for a class to learn a skill or implementing a new technique. Once you start taking action with the right mindset, you will quickly achieve success in any area of life.
Although there is no magic pill that will instantly bring you success, the secret is that success is a skill and a habit that, with practice, will become effortless.
Written By Katherine Malone
source: Giving Message
Most people don’t realize it… but we all live incredibly lucky lives.
It’s easy to forget how good we have it.
Right now, you’re reading this email on a computer or on a smart phone… you’re probably surrounded by people who love and care about you… and you’re working your hardest each and every day to build the kind of life most people around the world couldn’t even dream about.
99% of people would KILL for an opportunity to have a life half as good as ours.
The most important thing you can do on this day is to take a moment to step back and really look at your life… and think about how thankful you are for all that you have.
Be thankful for all the abundance you already have.
Be thankful that you have a support system of people who love and care about you.
Be thankful that you are alive.
You have air in your lungs, blood in your veins and a heart that keeps on beating…
Be thankful that you already live an incredibly rich life and that you already have infinitely more than 99% of people on this planet.
So I guess the purpose of me making this video today is really to get you to think about all the things in your life that you should be giving gratitude for and thankful for and to take the time to reflect on that and to really just say thank you.
Thank you to John Assaraf for inspiration.
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